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Down at the Roche Harbor docks the whale watch and sea kayak staff are getting ready for the busy season ahead--painting, sanding, staining and waxing just about everything in sight. We've been taking advantage of the good weather this week to get our 'office' in top shape, and today was no different. Although the To-Do list was mounting I kept getting distracted by the Belted Kingfishers noisily splashing by the banks on the other side.

These blue and white birds are pretty entertaining to watch; buzzing to each other constantly, flitting by my head, and diving into the water with a splash before swooping back to their perches above the water. From a tall piling next door they keep watch over these waters. They're looking for fish, frogs, insects, small mammals, crustaceans--pretty much anything!

I like having them for neighbors and the diners at the Madrona Bar & Grill in Roche Harbor get a great ringside seat to all their activity. It's days like these-- spending the day outside in the sun with kingfishers diving into the water before me-- that I am reminded again how fortunate I am to have this job...

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