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Today Carin, Nick and I paddled out of Roche Harbor for a 5 hour sea kayak tour. While we were indeed hoping to see some mega fauna like orcas or sea lions, we had to be content with the curious harbor seals, frequent bald eagle sighting and absolutely gorgeous weather. It looks as though the rain clouds from this week have been banished, and I hope those blue skies are here to stay!

My favorite part of the trip occurred as we were paddling down the west side of Henry Island. There, when we slowed to watch an eagle skim the cliff side tree tops, a strange bird took off from a nearby pine and swooped down after the eagle. Of course the eagle was vocalising loudly, and so was this bird. The only other raptors I've ever seen on Henry have been the osprey and peregrine tail and then hear the unmistakable cry of a red-tailed hawk.falcons, but this didn't look or sound like either. When it wheeled back we could see that rufous. It was pretty incredible to see a hawk out here in an area where the wooded cliffs drop sharply to the deep water below.

I can't wait to find out what tomorrow will bring!

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