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On a sunny Saturday afternoon our group of 10 kayakers left Roche Harbor. We paddled in calm waters past Pearl Island and around to the western side of Henry Island where we saw everything from Bald Eagles to brilliant purple Ochre Sea Stars. We even ate Bull Kelp! Sitting in the Bull Kelp bed we sat quietly munching on our Kelp snack as curious Harbor Seal heads popped up around us. As we continued south on the west side of Henry Island we heard the screeching of a hungry young Bald Eagle from a nest in a tree arching over the water high above us. Having seen so much already we pulled up on a beach to rest, stretch and fill our bellies. After lunch we continued south and to our excitement we began spotting dorsal fins and spouts in the distance! Quickly we pulled into a kelp bed along the shore in front of us to keep our kayaks from drifting with the current. Orca whales were spread all across Haro Strait, but our patience was rewarded. Several large males and females swam within feet of the Kelp! The sound of their spouts echoed off the cliff faces of Henry Island. Some slapped their flukes on the surface and others breached. Forty minutes flew by as we watched whales from J,K, and L pod make their way North through Haro Strait. When the last ones passed by we made our way back to Roche Harbor. It was truly an incredible trip!

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