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It's springtime here on the island-- which means the weather is likely to change at a moment's notice, the animals are all getting ready for courtship or mating, and it's simply gorgeous out. Today I saw an adult bald eagle fly by with a large stick in it's beak-- building a nest I presume. Although bald eagles are believed to mate for life, each year they will make 'improvements' to their nest by adding on more and more sticks until the tree can no longer support the nest.

One of the most amazing looks at wildlife I've ever had here on San Juan Island was when I saw two bald eagles performing courtship aerials of swoops and spins in the sky, all while crying out. The highlight of the display was when the two eagles locked talons and spun down towards the ground. At the last second they let go and flew up again.

Keep those eyes on the sky, and you too might be lucky enough to glimpse these magnificent birds in flight (and courtship!)

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