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The sun is out and things are busy busy. Rentals have been coming and going all morning. Two teenagers took out our stand-up-paddle boards (they’re all the rage in Hawaii!) and actually went swimming off of them. The water is about 48 degrees so those guys are tough!

Captain Nancy and Naturalist Kevin had a private charter with 15 guests this morning. They confirmed that early this afternoon the Southern Resident Community split in half and went in two very opposite directions. This time of year, the whales have a consistent north and south travel pattern in the Haro Straight. Today however, half of the pod took off to San Juan Channel and went right past Friday Harbor! They had a wonderful encounter with J28 (Polaris) who is an 18 year old female and her 2 year-old calf named Star (J46). Just as the Sea Hawk turned to go home, Star did a series of 3 tail-slaps as if to wave good-bye!

Michael’s guests on his morning half-day paddle were very lucky and were able to see the adult Bald Eagles (who live on McCracken Point) showing their fledgling how to land in a tree safely. First, the fledgling took off, did a big turn, and then tried to come in for a graceful landing. He landed, but Michael said it was nearly a botched attempt. Momma eagle took off and showed her fledging how to stick out his talons first and prepare for the landing rather then come in head first. The fledgling followed mom’s demonstration and nailed the landing!

Emily just got back from her full day kayak trip and they saw whales! Emily said they were traveling faaast and ended up surprising Emily and her guests! Em spotted one whale about 150 yards away so she had her whole group raft up in the kelp to prepare for more whales. The whales ended up surfacing about 20 yards from their kayaks! Amazing! Em and her guests hung out around Kellet Bluff and watched the rest of the whales swim past for the next 45 minutes. Just another day on the water:).

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