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It is a beautiful day here in Roche Harbor! The sunshine is out, the wind is light, and we have lots of tours out on the water today! Naturalist, Kevin, has just returned from out morning Whale Watch trip happy to share that they were able to view a sub-group of the L-Pod family, L 12's. Amongst this particular group of orcas is the eldest male among our Southern Resident Community (since the presumed passing of J 1, Ruffles), Mega (L41). Captain Brian was able to catch up with the whales on the southern end of San Juan Island where they were feeding and milling.

We have had a full day of kayakers as well for both our full day and our half day tours. One of our guides, Nick (fondly referred to as "Biscuit") reported seeing eels around Posie Island!

Our afternoon whale watch is leaving the harbor as we speak, and we just had 3 more kayak tour depart.... can't wait to hear what wildlife reports they bring back!

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