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Oh where to begin! First off, so sorry I’m late on the posts! It’s been busy enough to keep me from writing :).

We are in the midst of an Indian Summer. It’s more back & forth with this chilly and sunny weather. The last two days were beautiful, then a bit cloudy, and now it’s supposed to be in the 70s again this weekend.

Tuesday was a pretty fantastic day on the water! Here's why:

Captain Brian and Naturalist Kevin were on the Sea Hawk and had a remarkable whale watch. They were just off of Henry Island. They floated along while the whales passed between the boat and Kellet Bluff. Brian barely even had the Sea Hawk’s engines on! They saw many breaches, including one by J26, a big male.

Noise travels very far on the water, and Captain Brian and Naturalist Kevin heard this strange noise. It was the unmistakable laugh of kayak guide Katy. Where from? Well, Brian and Kevin got out their binoculars and looked. There she was. Katy and her two guests were at Kellet Bluff on Henry Island when the whales surprised them. They literally were “stuck” pinned against the shear rock face. They had to wait for an hour (ONE HOUR!) while the orcas passed within inches of their boats while the whales were traveling north.

Here is the encounter in Katy’s own words. You can definitely hear the excitement in her voice!

“BEST WHALE SHOW EVER!! kayaked to kellet and had big male orcas come 7 ft off my bow!! on multiple occasions! saw 5 breaches, 3 within 100 yards, a spyhop and a stellar sealion! did I mention it was a superpod?!!! Squealed like no other!”

That just about sums it up. Amazing, huh!?

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