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Today start of grey and foggy on the island, but hopes were high when we heard of whales on the westside.  Captain Chris and I couldn't wait to get our guests down to the whales so we headed straight to Lime Kiln Lighthouse. The lighthouse has been the place to be the last three days, seeing as that is where J-pod has been hanging out. Once we got on scene we found out that there was J-pod and part of L-pod here, specifically the L-

The whales were very spread out and close to shore but after motoring south a little more we were starting to see the whales become playful.  We got to witness and few tail lobs and pectoral fin slaps, but shortly after it seemed as though all the whales in the area joined  together! This is about the time the sun came out and the fog cleared! Everyone was really thrilled to see breaches, spyhops, rolling over, tail lobs, and cartwheels! This playful behavior is common when pods have been separated during the winter months and finally see each other again. The guests aboard M/V Sea Hawk were very lucky to witness this activity.


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