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Today we left Roche Harbor with whale reports down by Lime Kin Lighthouse.  We headed out of Mosquito pass and saw some harbor seals with their pups.  It is currently pupping season so we are seeing the baby seals pretty frequently.  We came out of Mosquito Pass and found the whales a little North of Lime Kiln Lighthouse heading south.  We went south with the whales and got a great look at J27 (Blackberry) and his sister J31 (Tsuchi) a little offshore.  We left the two siblings and went to another group closer to shore and found the K12's.  We got a really great look at K12 (Sequim) and her two offspring K37 (Rainshadow) and K43 (Saturna).  We saw those three doing all kind of fun social behaviors including rolling and tail slapping!  We left the whales and headed back up the West side of San Juan Island.  On the way up we got a great look at a bald eagle perched up in a tree.  Overall it was a beautiful day out on the water with great looks at the wildlife that we have here in the Pacific Northwest!

Naturalist Rachel

M/V Sea Hawk, San Juan Outfitters

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