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Looking for a good way to spend your weekend? Consider a getaway on the beautiful Stuart Island with San Juan Outfitters crew. A wonderful group of eleven set off from Roche Harbor last Friday afternoon with kayaks loaded full of camping gear, delicious food, and happy spirits! Kayak guides, Tyler, Adam, and Jaclyn lead the group from San Juan Island to the nearby Stuart Island. Along the way, the group spotted many majestic bald eagles and happy harbor seals while taking in all  the beauty the San Juan's have to offer. Upon arrival at Stuart Island, we set camp, enjoyed a delectable dinner prepared by the guides, and took a short hike to get a wider view of the island.

On our second day following a hot breakfast and plentiful cups of coffee, we set off again in our kayaks for a short day paddle towards Turnpoint Lighthouse. From the water, the views of invertebrate life, plant life, and landscape of Stuart are great to take in as you paddle along. A break on a nearby beach made for a perfect lunch picnic. Can you tell that while on overnight trips our guests are well fed? More kayaking brought us back to our home away from home in time for dinner and a hike to Lover's Leap to watch the sunset. This trip was extra special for the group as we celebrated the second birthday this evening; cake, brownies, cookies, and candles were all in the mix!

By the third day, the group broke camp, repacked the kayaks, and set off for home. The paddle back was just as enjoyable as the way out, and by now the group had become excellent kayakers. We made excellent timing and enjoyed our last meal together on Posey Island before returning to Roche Harbor and parting ways. Wonderful times were had by all on our three day overnight, and we hope to see more guests out on our overnights soon! Thanks to the San Juan Island's for continuing to be beautiful and allowing us to explore it's offerings!

Kayak Guide Jaclyn, Overnight Trip, San Juan Outfitters

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