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Even the though the skies were overcast with the possibility of rain, the sense of adventure was evident as the M/V Sea Lion left the dock in Friday Harbor. I love experiencing the beauty of the Salish Sea eco-system especially though the eyes of our guests who have never been here before.
We traveled north in San Juan Channel stopping from time to time to observe Bald Eagles looking down on us from their perch high above as well as large numbers of Harbor Seals hauled out on various rock islands.
We eventually went into Canadian waters to a unique place called Boiling Reef, which is a shallow reef formation that extends from Saturna Island in the Gulf Islands to Patos island which with the tidal exchange produces a very nutrient rich upwelling.
We were very fortunate to see a large number of Steller Sea Lions hauled out on the rocks jostling with one another for favorable real estate. The male Steller Sea Lion can weigh over 2000 lbs making them the largest sea lion in the world. I heard lots of camera shutters going off as we watched these very impressive animals.
Aside from the Stellers on the the rock island, there were also Harbor Seals, Bald Eagles and the beautiful Bonaparte's Gull. The Bonaparte is a small gull that we see during the spring before moving to their nesting grounds to the north.
Eventually we headed back south motoring through and seeing the beauty of some of the northern islands of the San Juan Archipelago.
Just another beautiful day in the amazing Salish Sea!!


Naturalist Kevin Culmback

San Juan Outfitters

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