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Summer is in full swing on San Juan Island and kayak tours have been amazing all season! On Sunday, I had the supreme pleasure of taking out a wonderful group for one of our 5 hour tours. These tours start at 11 am and finish sometime around 4 in the afternoon. We usually circumnavigate Henry Island off the Northwest side of San Juan Island and have lunch somewhere along the way. I really appreciate leading 5 hours because they offer new paddlers and visitors to the islands some more time to get used to being in a kayak while providing access to a remote part of the island off the west coast of Henry Island.


Our group Sunday consisted of a family all the Atlanta. Mom Emily, Dad Allen, Sarah, Thomas, and Caroline were on a whirlwind trip around the picnic Northwest and stopped in the San Juans to finish their trip. Our others fellow paddlers were a group of four friends, Julie and Jason from Nebraska being shown the area by Christina and Michael from Seattle. We lathered on sunscreen for the beautiful 70 degree day, grabbed our lunches and were on our way.
We headed South through Mosquito Pass and were greeted to a close visit by a few harbor seals. We spotted a black oystercatcher on the rocks hunting and a bald eagle flew over our heads before we pulled up to our lunch spot at Open Bay. We snacked, chatted, and had a little rock skipping session all with views south towards Victoria on Vancouver Island and beyond to the outline of the mountains covering the Olympic Peninsula. Tummies full and happy we poked our way along the west coast off Henry Island, stopping to admire a beautiful a beautiful fried egg jelly, as well as a couple bald eagles perched high up, surveying the scene.   By the end of the trip we were tired and happy, content with a great trip in all. It was a pleasure leading this wonderful group around Henry Island and I can’t wait for the next!
Check out a video of a Fried Egg Jelly that Sarah took with her GroPro below as well as some more pictures from the trip!
Stay Curious!
Wyatt Cuddington
Happy kayakers at our lunch spot at Open Bay!
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