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I just spoke with Captain Brian and Naturalist Kendall after their 11:00 AM whale watching trip. They reported this trip as "amazing" and with "excellent views of the killer whales". When they departed at 11:00, the orca whales (J-pod and a sub-group of L-pod) were quite a distance away but as the trip progressed, the whales moved towards our location and it didn't take the boat long to reach them. They said the seas were a little rough today but it was such a great trip, it didn't matter. They saw the J-Pod and a sub-group of L-Pod in N.E. Baines Channel in resting mode which is quite the treat. Typically, when the whales are in resting mode, the entire pod groups up together, very closely, and begin to swim together very slowly and in a syncronized manner. In order for the whales to rest, half of their brain "sleeps" or goes into resting mode while the other half stays awake in order to continue surfacing to breath and to continue traveling slowly. It's a great opportunity to see a lot of whales in a small area. Very cool!

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