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Margo writing from the reservation desk and being that it's August, these last few weeks have been quite busy. I just spoke with Tom about his 5-hour kayaking trip today and it sounds as though he had a great time with his 4 guests. He reported that while they were sitting on the beach during lunch, a Red Fox approached them trying to beg or steal food. The foxes around here are quite friendly around people and every once and a while, they may approach very closely. Another cool event that happened was while their group was rounding the northern tip of Henry Island, a bald eagle flew right over the kayaks and swooped down to catch a fish approximately 20 feet from their kayaks.

Another unique sighting happened yesterday on our whale watching vessel out of Roche Harbor. Naturalist Anna reported seeing an Elephant Seal north of Stuart Island. In my 5 years here, I have only seen one Elephant Seal, so that was quite a treat for those guests. Over and out!

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