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M/V Sea Hawk | August 21, 2019 | 2 PM | Naturalist Alexandria


We had such a fun trip today on the water!  We hit the water with reports of orca in Haro Strait!  Any day we start a trip out and already have reports of orcas is a great day!  As we left Roche Harbor and navigated past all of these multi-million dollar pieces of equipment we headed out of Mosquito Pass and started heading south down Haro Strait.  We picked up these orcas right outside of Lime Kiln State Park, and paralleled them while they worked their way north up all of San Juan Island. 

As we started to leave these animals we stumbled upon the oldest son of this family, that had been traveling on his own throughout the day and was on his way to meet up with his family. We were excited to find him and as we followed witness the reunion of him with the rest of his family. 

We ended up spending a great amount of time with these orcas as we were the only boat with them for a great amount of time!  Captain Erick had reached out to another company who was leaving for their sunset trip and we offered to hold onto these whales until that other boat could arrive and we could pass them along to them… everyone on board was clearly upset that we had to spend more time with these amazing creatures ;)

After a fantastic day, and the beginning of a beautiful sunset we headed back to Roche Harbor, happy with such a great trip!

Until Next Time,

Naturalist Alexandria

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