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There is some momentum developing for our whale and wildlife tour next weekend, as well as our kayak trips. While I have not confirmed the report, Southern Resident Killer Whales were sighted last week in the Straits of Juan De Fuca (at the confluence of Juan De Fuca and Haro Strait) about 18 miles from our facility in Roche Harbor. Definitely within reach for our 3-4 hour whale watch tour. We're hoping that the sighting means there are some early season salmon runs keeping them well fed. I will try to confirm the report and blog later today with more details.
Our sea kayaking tours from Roche Harbor next weekend should be great. I've been seeing dozens of sea birds, lots of Harbor Seals and Sea Lions, and occasionally Harbor Porpoise and Dalls Porpoise around Battleship Island. Thanks for tuning in.

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