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Bald Eagle with salmon

Gone Fishin' : L pod Orcas Catching Salmon off of San Juan Island

[Naturalist Erick. D., M/V Seahawk, 7/18/17 2:00PM]


            For the whole summer we have been seeing almost all Transient (Bigg’s) Orcas. Those are the mammal-eating ones, and despite their old common name we see them in the Salish Sea just as much as the Southern Residents we just tend to see them more in the winter and spring when the residents are absent and there is an increase in the marine mammal population including Steller Sea Lions, California Sea Lions...


Orca Behavior 101: Spyhop

Spyhopping is potentially my favorite whale behavior, period. A spyhop is when a whale sticks its head out of the water to have a look at what is going on up on the surface.  We usually see spyhops when the Southern Residents are grouped up socializing, making a decision of where they want to go, or having a look at a boat full of people. Orcas have very good eyesight which enables them to see clearly above the water. Enjoy one of my favorite spyhop images!

Spyhop of a Southern Resident Killer Whale



Whales, Whales and more Whales!

Last Tuesday morning we set out from Roche Harbor with 14 people aboard our boat the Sea Hawk. It was a drizzly morning but the wildlife was still fantastic. On our way out we motored over to a large group of Harbor Seals hauled out on shallow rocks. They craned their necks to look at us but then went back to doing what they do best, napping! We also viewed several Bald Eagles perched majestically in the tree tops. After motoring down the west side of San Juan...

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