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November Wildlife at its Best!

Yesterday the M/V Sea Lion headed out on the water for a private charter. I love being a part of hosting these private events, as we can totally taylor the trip for whatever the groups are most interested in. Yesterday our group wanted to find as much wildlife as we possibly could, and wildlife we found! We left Friday Harbor and motored north. At Spieden Island we encountered a lively group of Steller's sea lions, and a number of bald eagles. As we headed further north...


J Pod off Turn Point...Thats the Way the Cookie Crumbles-Jun. 28th, 2015

Today Captain Gabe and I left the dock with warm weather, calm seas, a boat full of excited passengers and best of all, Whale Reports!! We headed North off the dock to find some wildlife. As we exited Mosquito Pass, we spotted a small pod of harbor porpoise so we decided to watch them slip in and out of the calm water. Harbor porpoise are the smallest cetacean (whales, dolphins and porpoises) found in the Salish Sea, and were at one point the most abundant. They spend...


Calm, beautiful waters today filled with wildlife!

Guides Jesse, Amy and Tyler just got back from a 5-hour kayak trip around Henry Island. Conditions were clear and beautiful- another great summer day in the San Juans! As they paddled, a baby harbor porpoise swam by; something new for all three guides. They also saw a purple sea urchin way up in the rocks which was unusual as urchins tend to be found down deeper underneath the water. Other wildlife such as jellyfish and bald eagles graced their trip. With temperatures...

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