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K Pod Breachfest 2015!!-July 31st, 2015

This afternoon's trip on the Seahawk began like many others. It was a warm day on the dock, our passengers were excited, and Captain Jim and I had no reports of killer whales. We left the dock anyway, and headed North out of Roche Harbor towards Stuart Island.

While answering questions about everything from whales to jellyfish to sharks and octopus, Jim and I were also scanning for Whales. Before long, we spotted dorsal fins heading towards Turn Point, the furthest...


A Lazy J Pod Tuesday-July 28th, 2015

Today Captain Gabe and I took out the ol' Seahawk on yet another adventure in the San Juan Islands to help connect excited passengers to the incredible ecosystem of the Salish Sea!

We left the dock in Roshe Harbor with the sun in the sky (after a rainy spell) and a collective mind to find some Orcas. We had no reports as of leaving the harbor, but that soon changed.

We headed South through Mosquito Pass, very narrow and scenic channel leading from Roche Harbor to the Haro...


A Whale of an Adventure in Haro Strait-Juy 20th, 2015

Today Captain Gabe and I took out the Seahawk with a fantastic group onboard to go check out some of the unique wildlife in the Salish Sea. While we had a beautiful day in the harbor with the sun shining and the whale reports were good, it was just a bit windy out in the Haro Strait.

Our prevailing winds in this area usually come out of the SouthWest. For the San Juan Islands, this means a calm day on the water because the Olympic Mointains shield us from the worst of the...


5 Hour Kayak Adventure

Today was a lovely day out on the water. We started off going south through Mosquito Pass, passing by rocks with sun basking seals enjoying their escape from the 48 degree water. We paddled out and around Kellet Bluff, passing by Rhinoceros Aucklets diving after small fish. It was a great day for catching the current all the way up the coast of Henry Island. We also were surprised by several Peregrin Falcons swooping down around us. We stopped for a lovely lunch at Half...


Exploring Westcott and Garrison Bay - 5hr, July 19th

Our five hour trip took a dive into Wescott and Garrison Bay, where we ventured between darkly shaded alcoves and underneath barnacle ridden docks. Mother and baby seals played around us and cormorants perched to watch us, their wings drying in the strong winds blowing off the Haro Strait. We ate lunch under a pear tree at English Camp, then walked off our meals examining the Madrona and Iron Wood that surround Garrison Bay.  The sun showed itself on our return to Roche...

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