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Afternoon Trip with Southern Resident Whales off of San Juan Island! | 07/31/2018 | 2:00

Jordan | July 31, 2018 | M/V Sea Hawk | 2:00 trip

It was quite the windy day out on the water today! Starting in the north end of San Juan Island out of Roche Harbor, Captain Pete and I headed south down the west side of the island to look for whales! It was pretty rough traveling in the Sea Hawk against white capping waves, but my guests enjoyed the roller coaster ride!

As we approached the south point of San Juan just outside of the Salmon Bank, we found our whales! In...


Afternoon Trip with Southern Resident Whales near Henry Island | 07/25/2018 | 2:00

Jordan | July 25, 2018 | M/V Sea Hawk | 2:00 trip

Today was a great “hump day” Wednesday out on the water! As Captain Sarah and I headed out of Roche Harbor, we immediately began to see wildlife! There were massive salmon right in the harbor jumping and splashing about. Then, we saw a harbor seal with her pup swimming right next to the boat, peering up at our excited guests!

Soon after our first nature sightings, it didn’t take long until we found our whales! We found the...

Humpback Whale

Duo of Humpback Whales in Swanson Channel | 07/06/18 2:00PM

Erick | 7/6/18 | M/V Sea Hawk | 2:00PM


This Friday, Captain Sarah and I headed out with a great group of humans aboard the M/V Seahawk from Roche Harbor. We headed out and headed north towards Boundary Pass. As we passed into Swanson Channel we saw a few blows in the distance. Capt. Sarah brought us closer and we saw that the blows were from two Humpback Whales. We followed beside them for awhile as they travelled south. It seemed that they were heading to the area in...

Killer whales surfacing

Orcas Encountered Close to Home | Saturday, June 23, 2018

Captain & Naturalist Sarah | 06/23/2018 | M/V Seahawk


AHHHHH… Days don’t get much better than this on M/V Seahawk… bright blue skies and whales nearby. Owner/Operator Brian and I decided to leave Roche Harbor and head north to a report of killer whales just off of Waldron Island. As we Rounded Green Point on Spieden Island we quickly realized that the reported group had split up… two famlies heading north towards Boundary Pass, and another heading south through...

Humpback Whale

Jupiter the Humpback Whale Breaches in front of us!

[Monday, 6/18/18 - M/V Seahawk - 12:00 - Naturalist Erick]


This Monday We headed out into the bright shiny waters of San Juan Channel. Captain Pete and I took a group of passengers south through San Juan Channel. On our way we passed Harbor Porpoises that were swimming, Bald Eagles that were soaring, and Pigeon Guillemots that were diving. We headed south past Friday Harbor and Turn Island to go see a Humpback Whale that was travelling and feeding down here. Humpback...

Bigg's Orcas

Bigg's Orcas (T65A's) zig-zagging through Haro Strait

[Sunday, 6/17/18 - M/V Seahawk - 12:00 - Naturalist Erick]


This Sunday we had a lovely time taking a great group of folks out aboard M/V Seahawk to search for some marine wildlife in the Salish Sea. Captain Brian and myself left Roche Harbor and wound our way through Mosquito Pass until we exited into Haro Strait. We started south along the western shore of San Juan Island. We cruised by the big cliffs on the northern part of the shoreline and once we reached Lime Kiln...

Sprouting male killer whale

Two Ecotypes of Orcas Encountered in the San Juan Islands

[Sarah M – 06/13/2018 – M/V Seahawk – 12:00pm]


Captain Gabe and I took passengers aboard the M/V Seahawk on a whirlwind adventure North into the Canadian Gulf Islands on the search for killer whales. Captain Gabe steered the boat out of the North entrance of Roche Harbor and we turned left.


We had a lovely cruise up the shoreline of Stuart Island to Turn Point lighthouse towards Swanson Channel. The water movement we caught glimpses of was spectacular. There was so...

Bigg's Orcas

Literal Tons of Whales: 3 Families of Bigg's Orcas and 2 Humpback Whales

[Saturday, 5/26/18 - M/V Seahawk - 3:00PM - Naturalist Erick]


This Memorial Day Weekend we got a little taste of summer. The sun was out it was a little bit warm for May and we have a lot of trips going out. On Saturday afternoon Captain Pete and I took Seahawk out with a great group of folks to go on another search of the Salish Sea for some interesting creatures. We first crossed Spieden Channel and scurried through the skinny Johns Pass and took looks out into...

Steller Sea Lion Swimming

A Steller Morning - Steller Sea Lions come to check us out while they fished

[Friday, 5/18/18 - M/V Seahawk - 10:00 - Naturalist Erick]


This morning Captain Pete and I took a wonderful charter group that was here on island for a beautiful wedding. We headed out with a full boat and started our search. We exited Mosquito Pass into Haro Strait and started heading north. We headed around the northside of Henry Island into Spieden Channel. We made our first stop at Sentinel Rocks to look at a colony of Harbor Seals lying on the rocks there. They...

Humpback whale surfacing

Private Charter with a Humpback Whale! [Saturday, May 19th, 2018]

[Sarah – 05/19/2018 – M/V Seahawk – 3:00pm Private Charter]


Ahh spring days on the M/V Seahawk! The sun was shining, the water was calm, and we had wildlife to discover. Captain Pete and I were excited for an afternoon spent on the water! With no firm reports of whales around the San Juan Islands we decided to aim north towards Canadian waters to try our luck up north of the border.

We cruised through Boundary Pass and up into Plumper Sound, marveling at the incredible...

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