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Stand Up Paddle boards are a hit!

All of us here at San Juan Outfitters been having a ton of fun trying out our new equipment for rent-- a funky pedal-powered kayak and some paddle boards.

Our pedal-powered boat is really cute and colorful, with a bright teal sunshade. The two front seats have pedals, while the back seats are just for relaxing! There's also storage space both in the bow and stern. It's a great choice for families and groups of friends who want to tour the harbor and protected...


Seals and porpoises make some appearances for San Juan Island sea kayak tour:

This afternoon I paddled out with Doug & Debra from Idaho, and they brought luck with them. We saw a ton of wildlife, and the weather was fantastic to boot. All throughout the 5 hour paddle we saw and heard male harbor seals slapping the surface of the water, but it was in the bull kelp bed off of McCracken Point that we could see them up close. These seals were launching almost their whole bodies out of the water and coming down with a resounding splash. It was...


Harbor seals start slapping for San Juan Island sea kayak tour

One one hand I can't believe it's already June 1rst and on the other, the absolutely stunning weather of the past week makes it feel like it should be August already.

This afternoon I paddled out on a special tour with two lovely ladies from Colorado. The water was as smooth as glass all around us, so we were able to see the antics of some seals from far off. A few males were out and about practicing their mating displays, so we got to hear the double flipper slap...


Rain doesn't deter San Juan Island sea kayak trips

This week's bout of rain couldn't dampen the spirits of some intrepid sea kayakers, and good thing too! The rain really changes the atmosphere and overall look of our local paddling route. As long as everyone is adequately prepared and geared up, paddling in the rain can be absolutely fantastic. The rain seems to dampen the neighboring sounds and low clouds obscure the farther islands, allowing us to really concentrate much more on our immediate scenery. On a day...


Two day sea kayak tour full of wildlife!

Well I've just returned from our first overnight sea kayak trip of the season and have to report back a wonderful success. The weather was absolutely perfect and the wildlife certainly put on a great show, so that coupled with delicious snacks and good company made for a great weekend.

Steve and Robin were Washingtonians with an appetite for adventure, and I'm glad I could deliver. We met in Friday Harbor and walked down to our exclusive launching docks where we...


3 hour sea kayak tour sights orca whales!

Today Noelle paddled out on a 3 hour sea kayak tour, and along with the more common bald eagles and harbor seals, she and her guests were also thrilled to sea some killer whales! The slow, northbound moving group of whales were in the Harbor Strait between Henry Island and D'Arcy Island, CA. Granted, they were in the distance, but everyone could see dorsal fins and the spouts created by exhalation. It was a gorgeous, calm sunny day for a paddle, so what a great...


Whale watch boat has amazing orca encounter

Captain Brian just reported back from today's whale watch trip this afternoon, and he described it as "one of his Top 3 wildlife encounters- ever!" The boat left Roche Harbor and headed out in search of the transient Orcas that were in the area. Upon arriving they saw harbor porpoises "everywhere" and Brian and Kendall were on the alert and watching the hunting transient whales. Suddenly both transients dived down and disappeared. Everyone was scanning the waters...


5 hour sea kayak tour paddles hard...

Hege and I paddled out for a 5 hour tour this morning, and while we were hoping to see whales, we were content with a long, hard paddle and numerous bird sightings. The clouds from earlier lifted and we had bright sunny skies with us all day (my sunburned face will attest to that!). As Hege was a great novice paddler and happy to keep moving instead of examining the flora and fauna up close, we sailed around Henry Island and headed down to San Juan County Park...

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