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San Juan Island Killer Whale

Top 10 Animals to See in the Wild on and Around San Juan Island

The Salish Sea is considered one of the most productive waters in the world, comprising of over 172 named islands not including the many more smaller islands that appear with the fluxing tide. The Pacific Ocean filters in and around the islands every day with the tide and is heavily dependent on nutrients cycling through the water. Nutrients flow off the islands and the mainland and get stirred up in areas of upwelling off the sea floor which provides...

An Endangered Marbled Murrelet (Photo by Robin Corcoran)

The Marbled Murrelet

Have you ever heard of the Marbled Murrelet? No? Well sit back and enjoy this quick little read about one of the endangered species native to the Salish Sea and Pacific Northwest!

The Marbled Murrelet is an endangered species of seabird. It is related to the puffin, and it has a stocky, pudgy body about 10 inches long. It has a short pointy beak with a short pointy tail to match. It’s a diving bird, propelling itself with its wings by “flying” into the sea depths to catch...


Sea kayak tour investigates waterfowl

Today I paddled out with Peter, Erika and Maren and despite the bright sunny skies, we encountered wind almost every way we turned! It was one of the more challenging days I've paddled lately, but luckily they were up for the adventure. We started by trying to get a closer look at all the birds sheltering around Posey Island, but could only identify a handful before they scattered.

Sprinkled among the more common Buffleheads, Harlequins and Guillemots were some...

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