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Transient Orcas Circle Seals on Peapod Islands

[Naturalist Erick D., M/V Seahawk, 7/16/17, 2:00PM]


Captain Joe and I left from Roche Harbor yesterday with a smaller group to go search for some super wildlife and whales. We took an interisland route. This means for most of the voyage we stayed in the smaller passes and in the midst of most of the islands instead of traveling in the larger bodies of water that surround them. If you look at a map of the San Juan Islands, they are surrounded by four larger bodies of...


Whales Celebrate Their Freedom: 7/4/2016

Guests were skeptical as we pulled out of Roche Harbor due to the lack of whale reports; however, Roche Harbor had lots of boat traffic and is relatively tucked away from the radio signal. Therefore, once we pulled out and received whale reports right off of Lopez Island’s ferry dock, I was not surprised but also very relieved. We made our way to the transient killer whale siting and once on scene were able to spend a full hour enjoying traveling with the whales. Because...


Transients and Residents: 7/3/16

We left the dock with high hopes of finding resident killer whales based on positive reports received earlier in the morning. However, as we travelled towards the reports our dedicated whale watching guests spotted two male transient killer whales off of the coast of Spieden Island on route! Guests were able to enjoy watching these exceptionally large males with their 6ft tall dorsal fins and approximate 12000lb bodies for over half an hour. After that we decided to...


Alone for the Holidays: 7/2/2016

Guests were skeptical as the Sea Hawk departed Roche Harbor in attempts of finding killer whales because there were no reports. However, not even 20 minutes into the trip the guests came up on a spur of the moment siting of T-124c, otherwise known as a lone transient killer whale male! Killer whale pods tend to travel as a family unit with mom and/or grandma as the leader; however, transients are also more likely to stray away from this organization, opposed to our...


BFFs: Two Male Transient Orcas Travel Together - June 29, 2016

So I Know that I talk a lot about how social orcas are and how they are almost always found in their family groups, but like almost everything else there are exceptions to these rules as well. Yesterday (Wednesday) Captain Gabe and I left with a pretty small group to search for some more Transient Orcas. Just around Friday Harbor we came across a pair of male Transient Orcas! This is a little bit unusual, but definitely sometimes happens, especially in the Transients...


Transient Killer Whales Cross the American Border

We started our trip out today with reports of transient killer whales just off the coast of Victoria. Feeling determined and adventurous, we started out south, hoping to spot them as they moved away from Discovery Island. We braved a particularly choppy voyage down Haro Strait before breaking through to glass-calm seas at the junction of Haro Strait and the Strait of Juan de Fuca.

As soon as we had spotted some distant dorsal fins cutting through the water, a juvenile...


Transient orcas on the move in Straight of Juan de Fuca--June 16th, 2016


T46s in the Straight of Juan De Fuca

T46s in the Straight of Juan De Fuca


This morning, Captain Gabe, and Captain Jim, and Naturalist Erick, and I all took a Sierra Club charter on an M/V Sea Hawk cruise. This group was willing to do whatever it took to see whales, so they booked a 5 hour tour, as opposed to the usual 3-hour. This basically means that we're able to go farther. Whales that are "out-of-range" due to time constraints on a 3-hour, may be in range on a 5-hour because we have more time.



T Party of Two Groups of T's for Two all before Tuesday - May 16, 2016

We received another misty Monday yesterday. Clouds floated low in the sky, slowly tearing away from the treetops on the islands. We headed north, and since we’re still in the shoulder season before the main schools of salmon start running through these waters we were looking mostly for Transient Orcas. Of the two ecotypes of orcas that live here one, the Residents, arrive in the summer to eat the salmon runs that occur annually. They are fish eaters and around 90% of...


Transient Orcas and Humpback Reunion in Haro - April 18, 2016

This Monday was another spectacularly sunny day out on the Salish Sea. This inland sea connects the Pacific Ocean to the Puget Sound and the Strait of Georgia via the Strait of Juan de Fuca, and in the middle of all these are the San Juan Islands. This near shore environment that is between many rivers and the open ocean creates a unique marine environment. The cold, nutrient-rich salt water of the North Pacific mix with cool fresh waters produced by the famous rains of...


Transient Killer Whales head towards Friday Harbor - April 9, 2016

This Saturday was pretty special.  Our crew had the honor of assisting in the memorial service of a long-time island resident. Our guests said their goodbyes on a beautiful sunny day in between the Olympic Mountains and the San Juan Islands. As the current gently pushed us along in between Lopez and San Juan and the service ended we had a hunch that there may be some Transient Orcas traveling in the thick fog bank sliding out of the Strait. Transient Orcas usually travel...

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