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Gorgeous sunset seen from 3 hour sea kayak tour

This evening I paddled out of Roche Harbor for a sunset tour, and boy was it spectacular. I think sunset tours are my favorite because we saw all the local critters-- bald eagles and eaglets, harbor seals, harbor porpoises-- but also had the waters to ourselves as most recreational boaters had already turned in.

This trip we were especially lucky to have seen a few harbor porpoises out feeding and also a mother harbor seal giving her young pup a ride on her back...


San Juan Island 3 hour sea kayak tour has truly spectacular encounter with killer whales

This morning I paddled out with two couples for a 3 hour sea kayak tour from Roche Harbor. While we paddled down the west side of Henry Island we saw a large number of whale watch boats out in the Haro Strait. As we drew closer we could make out small black dorsal fins surfacing out there, and could even see some of the larger splashes from these southern resident killer whales tail slapping and breaching. As my guests didn't have to rush back to the docks, we...


Rescue Training

Samantha, Noelle, Nick, Joe, Megan and I just returned from a two-day intense training session with Body Boat Blade, a sea kayaking instruction business on Orcas Island. BBB is one of the best kayaking schools in the world, so it was a fantastic opportunity to learn from the leaders in this field. It was a great chance for us guides to get one-on-one instruction from experts and bring our skills to the next level. We practiced essential paddling moves from high...


Rain doesn't damper spirits on sea kayak

Yesterday started off gray and rainy, so I was pleased that my guests were not deterred by the cool weather. We made sure to dress appropriately with warm layers and raincoats, and headed out. It's absolutely essential that everyone who intends to go out on the water always brings clothing to stay warm and dry-- even in summer that means a fleece or other non-cotton layers, and a windbreaker or raincoat. It's always better to be prepared than caught unawares!



3 hour sea kayak tour sights orca whales!

I'm SO pleased to be able to write about my own killer whale sightings today! This past week we've been seeing killer whales on multiple 3 hour, 5 hour and multi-day tours and whale watch trips, but today was the first time I've been the one to spot them!

I paddled out with a lovely family from California, and the seven of us made our way down the west side of Henry Island. As we could see over a dozen boats clustered together out in the Haro Strait, we started to...


3 hour sea kayak tour sees killer whales!

Joe was pleased to report back that he spotted whales (for the third time this week!) during his 3 hour sea kayak tour departing from Roche Harbor. Although he and his guests had to contend with a strong running tide and a brisk wind, everyone was delighted to glimpse those large critters.

This past week has been full of fantastic wildlife sightings-- from new seal pups to killer whales just feet away. Between our whale watch tours and our hourly, daily and multi...


Harbor seals surface and play for San Juan Island sea kayak tour

This afternoon, with the morning rains abated, I paddled out for a 3 hour sea kayak tour with a lovely couple from Seattle. We were hoping to see all sorts of wildlife, and were very excited so many harbor seals came to play by our boats. While sitting on top of a forest of bull kelp just off McCracken Point, we saw first one, then two, then three, four, five and finally a dozen or so seals surfacing all around us. We watched a few patrol the outside edge, but were...

Harbor porpoises pop up in front of sea kayak tour

Today I paddled out on a 5 hour sea kayak tour with guests from all over the U.S.. We set off under graying skies, and encountered strong currents and big waves right off the bat. As we rounded Kellett Bluffs, we found ourselves paddling through rough water with the wind at our backs and waves breaking all around us. It was exciting to be paddling through such big water, and everyone had a wide smile on their face!

The skies cleared up and it ended up being a...


5 hour sea kayak tour paddles hard...

I paddled out on a 5 hour Orca Search sea kayak tour today, and enjoyed my day with some hearty guests who were able to gamely paddle through some rough breaking waves. We were crossing our fingers that the resident killer whales on the south side of San Juan Island would continue to head north towards us. The whales moved northbound all the way to the lighthouse (Lime Kiln State Park) but then, alas, they turned away and moved out of range.

Although we were...


Posey Island is a perfect lunch stop for private sea kayak

Today I paddled out of Roche Harbor on a private sea kayak tour and we paddled over to Posey Island for a picnic. Posey Island-- at high tide one of our nation's smallest state parks-- is a lovely spot to take a break, rest, relax, watch the sunset and even stay the night.

As we returned to the harbor we were fortunate enough to glimpse a mink scampering along Pearl's shores, a river otter playing off the Tarte's dock and then a harbor seal sunning its head in the...

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