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Bigg's Killer Whales in the Haro Strait

A Dozen Killer Whales Hang Around D'Arcy Island

Olivia | September 1st, 2019 | M/V Sea Hawk | 2:00pm

It is always wonderful leaving the dock with reports of whales in the area. We had potential Minke, Humpback, Gray, and Killer Whales today, but with their far distance apart from one another, Captain Sarah decided to go see something black and white swimming around. That being said, we left Roche Harbor, took a turn around Henry Island, and headed southwest across Haro Strait towards D’Arcy Island.

The Haro Strait was...


Fall Feelings: L pod Orcas forage and play near Middle Bank - September 20, 2016

Tomorrow is the Autumnal Equinox! And even though this signals the true end to summer, this doesn’t mean that all the whales leave as all the humans have started to do. Whales actually travel through these waters all year round! Yesterday, though, still felt a little bit like summer. Captain Brian, myself and some wonderful guests took the M/V Seahawk south to search for the Southern Resident Orcas. They have been in the inland waters the past few days foraging for salmon...


Granny Leads J Pod Orcas north! - September 3, 2016

Today, Captain Gabe and I took a super enthusiastic group out on the M/V Seahawk! We headed south along the west side of San Juan Island to look for the Southern Resident Killer Whales. These are the salmon eating ones that live in the north pacific and usually spend much of the summer inside the Salish Sea since salmon have to make their way through to find the rivers that they were born in. This year is a historically low salmon year so we have not seen the residents...


Magical Minke Encounter!-October 15th, 2015

More October wildlife magic to report!

After getting geared up and into our Kayaks on the dock at Roche Harbor, we headed out our normal route to enjoy an afternoon on the calmly rippling waters of the Salish Sea.

Even before we left the harbor we were in a position and mindset to better enjoy wildlife like the abundant and goofy pelagic cormorants and the harbor seals that were living up to their name.

As we headed out into Spieden Channel we had great views of all the...


Humpacks, Minke, and More! Thursday May 14, 2015

One of my favorite things about Humpback Whales is that they are far less illusive and hard to track down than Killer Whales. Particularly this time of year the Southern Resident pods are farther afield in search of Salmon but some Transients tend to stay near shore year-round hunting marine mammals. The challenge is finding them, in their small groups, is like searching for a needle in a haystack. Thankfully Humpacks are a little different, 40 ton, 50 plus foot long...


A Day with Salish Sea Diversity| Transients, Elephant Seals, and More Saturday, April 18 2015

Leaving the harbor with a full boat, Captain Mike took us North into San Juan Channel on a beautiful sunny day. We'd had no reports yet, but Naturalist Kevin and I were optimistic for a great day on the water. We weren't disappointed.

We'd cruised around Yellow Island for some looks at the wildflowers and Harbor Seals lazing about and headed up to Flattop Island, when we stopped to check out a Bald Eagle. Seconds after, the bird stooped and crashed hard into the water...


Awesome Whale Watch trip in the San Juan Islands!

Yesterday's whale watch trip started out unspectacularly- as we were leaving the dock the sky was overcast, with bits of drizzle here and there and we hadn't heard any news about whales in the area all morning. As a whale watch guest who has paid good money this uncertainty can be disheartening, but I assured all 8 of our passengers that sometimes while we are out we hear reports of whales from other boats and that sometimes we ourselves are the first ones to stumble...

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