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Jordan | M/V Sea Hawk | 06/14/19 |

Today was a lovely day in Roche Harbor! The sun was shining, the birds were chirping and church bells rang in the distance. Our private charter excitedly jumped on the boat, ready for what the day had to offer!

Cruising out of the harbor, Captain Erick and I took the Sea Hawk towards Mosquito Pass out towards open water. Heading into the Haro Strait and turning down the west side of San Juan Island, we boated towards whispers of whales potentially off the south side of the island.

It was a pretty windy day, so once we reached these open waters, the seas got a bit choppy. But, my guests were still enjoying riding the bow like a roller coaster! We only got sprayed a couple times, but it was fun.

Eventually we passed Lime Kiln lighthouse towards the middle of San Juan and had yet to find whales. The seas were really rough, so we turned around. However, as we were headed back north, we heard a solid report of whales off of False Bay! So, we turned back around and passed Lime Kiln light house again but decided to power through the waves to find whales!

Eventually we made it to our destination and found transient orcas! It was so much fun to watch these majestic whales swimming through the water! As transients, they were searching for their marine mammal prey. You could tell they were being stealthy as they sporadically changed their direction multiple times. Perhaps they even found a seal and we just couldn’t see the action as they devoured it under water! We loved watching their social interactions as they swam close together and had family bonding time as they traveling through the Salish Sea.

Eventually, we headed back home, speeding north as the waters calmed and the wind died down. What a great day to see some orcas!

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