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Great 5-Hour Paddle With Eagles and Seals

We started out the tour by paddling from Roche Harbor through Mosquito Pass and out into the Haro Straight.  This is typically my favorite part of the paddle going from the narrow Mosquito Pass out into the openness of the Haro Straight. The conditions were perfect today, comfortable temperatures out on the water with glass-like water.  You couldn't ask for better weather!  We also had some close interactions with wildlife.  A momma seal was seen escorting her pup up the...


Sunshine and Orcas!

Captain Jim and myself were aboard M/V Sea Hawk for two trips today! Our first trip departed at 9am and with no reports we headed south. The Sea Hawk was cruising at about 13 knots, the water was like glass, and there were no clouds in the sky! We got to about Eagle Point and still no reports.  Finally, once we were headed toward Discovery Island, we heard of Js and Ks inbound east of Discovery, it ended up being us being a little north of where the Resident orcas were...


Inter-tidal Family Fun- Thursday July 10th

The three hour family trip this morning was timed perfectly to catch a -2.0 low tide. With the tide this low, it's worth stopping by Posey island for a little jaunt around this wee state park. Usually we can find a grand amount of intertidal treasures, and today was no exception! I had a wonderful family with me, with two boys who were game for eating whatever algae/seaweed I told them was edible. They discovered some new favorites. Then we found a plethora of ocre stars...


Unforgettable 5 hour tour Thurs. July 10, 2014

We started off our 5 hour tour by heading South through Mosquito Pass, sighting harbor seals, sea stars, jellies and eagles along the way. After lunch, we began our paddle along the West side of Henry Island, and just before reaching Half Moon Bay, we spotted Resident Orca Whales surfacing several hundred yards offshore! We rafted up and gently drifted as we watched them play and feed as they headed South through the Haro Strait. Thinking most of them had passed, we...


Whales Headed South

We headed out of Roche Harbor headed North for reports of whales in Boundry Pass.  We found the whales just North of Turn Point on Stewart Island.  The whales were traveling south at a pretty fast pace.  Usually when we see whales traveling fast they exhibit a behavior called porpoising.  Porpoising is when the whales come out of the water at bursts of speed in order to gain momentum in the water.  We got a great look a the J-16s which includes Slick and her three...


Super fun 3 hour tours today! Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Starting off with low tide of -1.2 vertical ft, our morning tour had amazing access to a colorful display of red, green and brown seaweeds, purple Ochre sea stars and bright orange anemones. We also got to see lots of fuzzy harbor seals hauled out on high rocks in the kelp forest, and a juvenile bald eagle greeted us from a snag on our way back into Roche Harbor. Later, we saw two adult bald eagles holding high posts on the west side of Henry Island, accompanied by more...


Orcas in Boundary Pass?!

This afternoon, M/V Sea Hawk headed north to meet K-Pod. We met up with the group right at Turn Point on Stuart Island. The group that we were watching was traveling close to shore and guests asked how that was possible. Haro Strait is the deepest body of water in the San Juans. At the deepest point, it gets to over 1,300 feet, so there are dramatic drop offs right close to the shore.

Once getting around Turn Point, K-pod had a decision to make, they could turn and head...


High Spirits and Breaching Whales at Open Bay - Wed. July, 9th

We were caught by surprise after a mellow paddle through Mosquito pass to find a large pod of Orcas swimming North just off Henry Island. Foregoing an early lunch,  and bracing ourselves for rough waters, our group pushed forward toward Kellet Bluff, keeping  a generous distance between us and the whales, as well as getting the ultimate panorama view of the traveling Orcas. With our hearts racing, the screams at every whale breach, and the pace we had set for ourselves...


Paddling On Glass Among Mountains - 7/8/14

What a picture perfect day we had!  Departing from County Park, we paddled south towards Lime Kiln State Park to drink in savory views of the Olympic Mountain Range with a dash of Mount Rainier on the horizon.  Turning our course north we rode on glassy water with the flooding tide as our conveyor belt, seeing circling bald eagles, purple ocher sea stars, and a few curious harbor seals.  The views of the Canadian coastal ranges shone as clear as they've ever appeared this...


J Pod Cruising Along The Westside

The whales were at it again in this gloriously sunny day. Captain Pete, guests, and myself, headed out of Mosquito pass in search of the the resident killer whales that had been spotted earlier in the day right off of Lime Kiln Whale Watching Park. The resident, or fish-eating orcas, hadn't moved to much from their earlier position. They appeared to be in a milling position- basically, just a fancy word for chillin. Some were off giving whale hugs, others were searching...

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