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Westside Shuffle -July 27, 2011

Captain Brian and Naturalist Tiffany had an awesome whale watch yesterday. We mentioned it in our blog briefly yesterday, but Tiffany elaborated! The Sea Hawk approached Js and Ks near Kellet Bluff on Henry Island. Tiffany confirmed they got an awesome view of little K44, which is K27’s new calf. There were multiple full body breaches. Often times, one specific whale will breach multiple times in a row. Guests on the Sea Hawk saw a large male breach three times in a row...


Guess Who's Seeing Whales! That Would be Everybody! -July 26, 2011

Holy cow this weekend was busy! Remember what we said about things filling up last minute and getting busy fast? Sunday was the busiest and hottest day so far this summer! There were three half-day trips out on the water in the afternoon. And they were all full! In addition to that, we had a full morning whale-watch and an afternoon private charter.

Captain Brian and Naturalist Kevin had a real treat and were able to see 10 Minke whales! There are only about 17 known...


Surprised by Whales! -July 23, 2011

The sun is out and things are busy busy. Rentals have been coming and going all morning. Two teenagers took out our stand-up-paddle boards (they’re all the rage in Hawaii!) and actually went swimming off of them. The water is about 48 degrees so those guys are tough!

Captain Nancy and Naturalist Kevin had a private charter with 15 guests this morning. They confirmed that early this afternoon the Southern Resident Community split in half and went in two very opposite...


Our Great Weather is Back! -July 22, 2011

It’s been a pretty great weekend so far! It appears that the weather is definitely going to cooperate with us. The rest of the weekend is supposed to be mostly sunny, in the low 70s with only a 10% chance of rain. This means lots of trips heading out on the water with tons of last minute bookings. We come to work in the morning thinking its going to be a pretty standard day, and then WHAM! Everyone wants to participate in kayak trips, rentals, paddle boards, etc., and it...


Early Week Updates -July 21, 2011

Can you tell its been busy? Of course, the first things that always get neglected are our blog and Facebook page.

Here is a recap of our exciting adventure over the last few days:

Guests on the Sea Hawk saw some amazing wildlife in the past 4 days. Naturalist Kevin said they saw Peregrine Falcon fledglings seriously testing there flying abilities. There is a huge nest on Turn Point (Stuart Island) and the fledglings were out flying around. The Sea Hawk watched these...


Ahhh! Attack Eagles! -July 17, 2011

It’s been fairly quiet at the dock at our Roche Harbor location (Kevin and Alex are holding down the fort!). Even with this cooler & foggy weather, we are fully operational and running all kayak and whale watch trips as usual. This morning, kayak guide Brittany had three of the coolest women ever paddling on a three hour trip. They were having a pretty normal kayak trip; seals, bald eagles, jelly fish, star fish, porpoise, etc… Then! All of a sudden, two huge bald eagles...


So Many Kayaks! -July 13, 2011

It’s been a crazy busy day at the dock at our main Roche Harbor location. We had full a group of nearly 25 guests go out with us at 9:30am in addition to full tours at 10 and 10:30. Every single kayak we own is being used today. All of 'em. That's a lot of kayaks! As I’m writing this, we have family groups and a group of very excited Boy Scouts getting geared up for their 3-hour paddles.

Philip, Chase, & Nick, Jesse, and Michael saw a ton of harbor seals and harbor seal...


Whales are Everywhere! -July 10, 2011

The whales really are everywhere! We have confirmed reports of 5 different groups of whales in the Haro Strait today. L Pod is heading east, K Pod south of False Bay, Js near Turn Point (on Stuart Island), unidentified Ts heading into a fog bank, and also whales inbound from Jordon River. That’s a lot of whales! Even as am writing this, we are still getting a barrage of updates on locations. Captain Brian and Naturalist Tiffany on the Sea Hawk were with Ks all morning!



Smiles All Around! -July 8, 2011

The Sea Hawk (with Captain Bill and Naturalist Kevin) just got back to Roche Harbor and their guests were all smiles! I don’t think I’ve ever a group of our guests so excited. Kevin summed it up as one of the best activity days so far this season. There were multiple full body breeches as well as other surface activity. Kevin confirmed that the whales were members of K pod. The biggest highlight of the trip was when K27 and her new born calf, K44 (born this past Wednesday...


Superpod! -July 7, 2011

It is officially official that all three pods (J, K, and L) are here. Earlier this summer, K pod made a brief appearance, but then left for open ocean and wasn’t seen regularly until a few days ago. We are very excited that K27, Deadhead, had a new born calf yesterday! K44, a male, is one of several new babies in the Southern Resident Community this summer. The Center of Whale Research ( is still conducting their annual Southern...

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