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Transient Surprise

Today we left Roche harbor with a recent report of transients down towards salmon bank.  We headed out Mosquito Pass and headed South on the West side of San Juan Island.  Thankfully the transients were moving in our direction so we met them around False Bay.  We watched a large group of transients with a large male and 3 young juveniles including what looked to be like a very young calf.  The whales were heading North up the West side of San Juan Island at a very slow...


San Juan Island sea kayak tour

I paddled out for my first trip of the season today, and what a day! The weather was perfect and the wildlife certainly on display. There were so many different kinds of winter birds-- scoters, mergasers, buffleheads, cormorants, bald eagles, kingfishers, guillemots, auklets and more. The highlight of the trip for me was when two harbor porpoise surfaced behind our boats a few times. They seemed to be feeding, but moved off before we could get some really good...


Harbor Seal Pups make an appearance for 3 hour sea kayak tour

This afternoon Noelle and I paddled out with a private tour from the Institute of Journalism and Natural Resources (IJNR). It was an absolutely gorgeous day out on the west side, and the temperature was hot enough to convince a few hardy souls to go swimming! While in a bed of bull kelp we saw a young harbor seal pup hauled out on top of a few stipes. The pup was totally relaxed, often yawning and lying turned away from us. This summer's pups have been making quite...


Harbor seals start slapping for San Juan Island sea kayak tour

One one hand I can't believe it's already June 1rst and on the other, the absolutely stunning weather of the past week makes it feel like it should be August already.

This afternoon I paddled out on a special tour with two lovely ladies from Colorado. The water was as smooth as glass all around us, so we were able to see the antics of some seals from far off. A few males were out and about practicing their mating displays, so we got to hear the double flipper slap...


3 hour sea kayak tour sights orca whales!

Today Noelle paddled out on a 3 hour sea kayak tour, and along with the more common bald eagles and harbor seals, she and her guests were also thrilled to sea some killer whales! The slow, northbound moving group of whales were in the Harbor Strait between Henry Island and D'Arcy Island, CA. Granted, they were in the distance, but everyone could see dorsal fins and the spouts created by exhalation. It was a gorgeous, calm sunny day for a paddle, so what a great...


3 hour sea kayak tour from San Juan Island spots Dall's porpoises

Noelle paddled out with three guests this morning for a 3 hour sea kayak tour, and reported back that there were sunny skies and smooth, glassy waters to greet them out on the west side. Once there they had quite a few wildlife sightings-- from harbor seals to bald eagles-- but what was most exciting was the porpoises that were spotted foraging around just off the western shore of Henry Island. Noelle identified them as Dall's porpoises, making them the first Dall...


Harbor porpoises make an appearance for sea kayak tour

I am glad so many folks decided to come kayaking today as it was absolutely gorgeous here on the west side. My first tour of the day was special, as it was just Dan and Joan with me, and we got to really relish the quiet perfection. They were native Washingtonians, so it was a treat for me to be able to show them a side of these islands (and their state) they'd never seen before.
My second tour was also pretty neat as the wildlife really came out for the four...


Red-tailed hawk chases off an eagle during a 5 hour sea kayak tour

Today Carin, Nick and I paddled out of Roche Harbor for a 5 hour sea kayak tour. While we were indeed hoping to see some mega fauna like orcas or sea lions, we had to be content with the curious harbor seals, frequent bald eagle sighting and absolutely gorgeous weather. It looks as though the rain clouds from this week have been banished, and I hope those blue skies are here to stay!

My favorite part of the trip occurred as we were paddling down the west side of...


Bald eagle attempted a catch today during sea kayak tour

Noelle paddled out on a 3-hr tour this afternoon, and reported back a quiet day out on the water. Her highlight was seeing an eagle soar off the point and hover above the water with talons extended, although it did not catch anything.

Bald eagles have truly incredible vision. These birds see about four times better than a human with perfect vision. Their two foveaes, or centers of focus, allow them to see perfectly both in front and to the side of them at all times...

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