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It seems as though the 2011 season is really, reaaaally, starting to wind down. Almost all the employees are on exciting winter-season adventures, or are back in college. It also means that our San Juan Outfitters Blog will be updated less frequently. It’s not because the wonderful wildlife isn’t out there, though! It’s just because we are all snuggling in for winter and are running trips much, much less often.

Here are some interesting updates about the wildlife within the last week:

Captain Brian Pouillon and Naturalist Noelle had a whale watch last Wednesday (October 5, 2011) and they saw a mother and calf humpback near Moat Point. They mother and calf simultaneously raised their tail-flukes side-by-side before a deep dive just as the Sea Hawk was about to head home. Noelle said it was like they were waiving goodbye!

Kayak guide Katy had more luck with the killer whales! Earlier this week, Katy and her guests were south of Half Moon Bay on Henry Island and they saw orcas! They were about 200 yards offshore and Katy said her guests were super excited :). Katy also keeps seeing the Stellar Sea Lion. On Monday (October 3, 2011) the sea lion surfaced several times within about 10 feet of her kayak. Amazing!

Kayak guide Britt had an awesome last trip yesterday. The water was flat calm with little wind, and the water was very clear. In some areas, Britt estimated they could see 40 feet to the bottom. Britt and her guests saw several male harbor seals that were breaching and slapping the water. This behavior attracts female mates. Basically, which ever male has the strongest display of breaching and slaps usually attracts the most mates. They also had a harbor seal follow them back into Roche Harbor. He was playing peek-a-boo with the guests!

Here are some interesting updates about employees:

Guides Katy and Britt are mostly done for the season! Katy will be climbing Mount St. Helens next week before she heads down to Portland. Katy is doing a bunch of wilderness medicine & skiing refresher courses and hopes to work backcountry Ski Patrol this winter.

Britt will be on the island all winter, which she is super excited about! She will be house-sitting, working at the front desk at Roche Harbor Resort, and also will be working for Island Rec on Saturday nights. I think that Britt is most looking forward to relaxing and finally getting some time to cook, do some photography, and other artsy-fartsy stuff.

Guide Jacob and his wife Heidi will be on island, too! Jacob & Heidi will both be working for Island Rec this winter too. Jacob and his pup Agnes competed in Island Rec first annual Run, Walk, and Wag 5K race last Sunday. They took 2nd place!

Noelle & Kevin are still here on SJI and will be here for about another month before they head off for their next adventures. We’ll post updates their intended next adventures as soon as they know!

Guides KJ and Aileen are now forever island gals! They will be here all winter, and most likely forever & ever.

Owner & Operator Brian, his wife Rachel, and Forrest are eagerly awaiting the completion of their new home and the future home for San Juan Outfitters International Headquarters. Brian and Rachel are also expecting a new little bundle-o-joy in the spring :).

For the most frequent updates, please check our Facebook page! Britt promises to update the Facebook on a more regular basis :).

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