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The weather has been a little all over the place lately, so the sunshine is a wonderful reminder of how great San Juan Island is.  All the sunshine makes summer seem that much closer!  We are eagerly awaiting the 2014 season, as it seems like it will be the best yet.  With many tours already booked, it is already looking like a great summer.

J-Pod has been in and out of Puget Sound all winter, and we hope to starting seeing the whole gang more often as winter turns to spring.  Earlier this week there was even a Grey whale that was hanging out in Puget Sound.  Even at lengths of 45ft, the Grey whale falls prey to transient orcas.  This phenomena was first documented in Monterey Bay, off the coast of California.  Mother Grey whales traveling with their calves have to move offshore when crossing the bay, leaving behind the safety of the shoreline, on their way north during their annual migration.  While the transients typically target the calf, the Grey whale mother is extremely protective and is a force to be reckoned with.  Through tireless efforts the transient orcas eventually separate mother and calf.   This is a great example of the teamwork, athleticism, and intelligence that orcas posses.

We are looking forward to another great season on San Juan Island of viewing the awe inspiring orca.

Happy Valentines Day!



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