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Updates from San Juan Outfitters HQ: The MV Sea Hawk is back in the water after a successful annual haul out. Coast Guard Inspections are complete, and some upgrades in equipment should increase our fuel efficiency and speed for the remainder of the 2008 season, and into 2009.

Our scheduled kayak tour today was cancelled due to heavy rain, and an incoming front which is predicted to bring us more rain and wind. Tomorrow's forecast is better with only 30% chance of rain, light winds, and partly cloudy. Believe it or not, that is ideal this time of the year!!

Despite cool and wet winter weather, wildlife sightings have been fantastic the past week. I have not spoken with NMFS (National Marine Fishery Service) scientists lately to determine what our Souther Resident Killer Whales (SRKW) are feeding on right now, but there must be fish keeping them in our region. By this time of the year, the SRKW are normally not seen as frequently, and not in such high numbers. Our Resident J and K pods were both spotted and or heard off the west side of San Juan as recently as Tuesday of this week. I have not had a trip this week, so I'm not sure where they have been since then. I'll check in with my colleagues, and report again later.

Other wildlife sightings: Lots of seals, sea lions, otters, and bird life on our Roche Harbor half day and full day kayak routes. Hundreds of Surf Scoters (some of my favorite birds) north of Roche Harbor in the shallow water between Pearl Island and Barren Rock. Lots of Harbor Porpoise around Battleship Island in Haro Strait, just north of San Juan Island. It's always fun to paddle with porpoise, especially in calm water.

That's all for now. I will report later with more whale information. We are heading out whale watching and kayaking tomorrow (Saturday Nov. 29th). Should be a beautiful day.

Captain Brian from Honey Lane Headquarters San Juan Island

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